Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 8: Kristiansand - Stavanger (Hommersåk)

The next morning dropped me off at a good place to start hitchhiking.
Apparently most of the highways in Norway have a speed limit of 80 kph, which is quite understandable if you see the highways, they make a lot of turns around mountains and hills.
Another somewhat weird difference compared to other west European highways is that Norwegian highways have bus stops next to them.
A bus stop is a good place to hitchhike because cars have a lot of space to stop behind you, so that's where I started.

Norwegian highway with a bus stop
I had to wait for about 30-40 minutes before a truck stopped on the dashed line between the bus stop and the right most driving lane.
The first trucker to stop in the entire trip!
He told me about the time that he picked up a family of Polish people and let them stay at his place for a while since they didn't have a place to go to. Apparently they ate a lot :)
 He was running low on gas so he tanked up (for 350 EUR O_o). If you tank for more than a certain amount you get a free bag of pastries, which he got.
I got one of them, they tasted quite good :)
He dropped me off in Lyngdal, a little after a truck stop that Fredrik told me about as well.


Unfortunately it was raining on and off so it was hard to use the sign I made, When I stepped out of the truck it had fallen in a puddle of water and that together with the rain made it very floppy.
After about an hour or so I got picked up by a couple. The girl was from France and the Guy from Germany.
She worked in the HR department of a company and he was a doctorate student writing his thesis.
They were on their way to Stavanger which was awesome for me because that meant that this was my last ride of the day.
Along the way they shared some food with me (apparently they bought way too much in Sweden) and I gave them my last Danish Krones (they would return to Denmark in a few days).

After arriving in Sandnes (South of Stavanger and Hommersåk) I bought a bus ticket and took the bus towards Hommersåk where I met up with a friend of mine, Monica.

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